Book Reactions

Books: Wellsprings of wisdom and experience. And so much of it can be gleaned from within the comfort of one’s own home. I’m the type of reader who holds a book in one hand and a pen in the other. By the time I have completed a good book, its pages are typically colorful with markings and thoughts scattered throughout. I thought it would be fun to perhaps record some of the markings and thoughts that are sparked by what I am reading here in this blog.

I welcome your thoughts and feedback here. It is truly amazing how two people can read the same book and have completely different thoughts and reactions. I would be honored to hear yours.

Please be patient with me in this endeavor. I love to read but, like so many of you, I do not always have a wealth of time that I can devote to it. Also, I call this section “book reactions” rather than “book reviews” or “book critiques” for a reason. Here, I make no effort to offer a review/critique of any book; rather, I simply want to share some of my thoughts and reactions as I seek understanding. Please note that these thoughts may not necessarily be fully developed. I would appreciate grace in the reality that understanding is a process that is subject to change. Understanding is not static. It grows and often transforms entirely.

Welcome to the journey.


Theology/Spiritual Formation:



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